
Friday, April 11, 2008

Reflections on AHPERD Conference in Fort Worth TX

We have just wrapped up our Achieving Fitness Launch at National AAHPERD conference in Fort Worth TX.

Lot's of fun was had playing "Got-cha">>>>>>>>

All the attendees and exhibitors not only survived but thrived in near tornado's, American Airlines flight delays, construction in and around the convention center and shuttle service that was slower than we liked.

All of us who attended from Project Adventure - Jane Panicucci, Beth Wonson, Bill Bates and Lisa Hunt - had a blast telling everyone about our new Achieving Fitness model and seeing everyone's reaction to the Achieving Fitness Activity Guide, Student Journals and the great presentation by Jane and Lisa. There had to have been 150 people there.

Our Fitness Launch party, co-hosted by Penn State Hershey Center for Nutrition and Activity, Insight Grants, LLC and Flaghouse...was over the top in attendance. We were hoping for 40 or so people. At one point, 165 people were in the room.

Just a few of the guests included Deb Walter - 2007 High School National Teacher of the Year and all of her Teacher of the Year friends (TOYS), NASPE Executive Director Charlene Burgeson, many State AHPERD officers including our friend Ginny Ward from Pennsylvania and others. Many PEP grant award winners past and present. Sylvia Dresser, Executive Director of the Association for Challenge Course Technology. Many of our past and present clients and friends.
And of course, the author's. Lead author- Jane Panicucci with c0-authors Dr. Carolyn Masterson of Montclair University and Lisa Hunt from Project Adventure. (Not present is co-author Ila Prouty).

We look forward to seeing you next year in Tampa and all year long at district and state conferences - as well as those of you who are having Achieving Fitness Professional Development trainings at your school or are coming to one of our open enrollment workshops!

And if you were one of the people who did not purchase the Achieving Fitness Activity Guide or Student Journals before we ran out...go to and get your's today!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lot's of Excitement and Energy at AAHPERD for Achieving Fitness

We are in Fort Worth, TX for the AAHPERD conference and the launch of our newest model, Achieving Fitness. Day one of the exhibit hall resulted in frenzy in the Project Adventure booth as people gathered to see the new Achieving Fitness activity guide and PA's first-ever Student Journal.

Tomorrow night is our Achieving Fitness Launch Party at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Fort Worth where our partners and friends have donated over $1,000 in raffle prizes. These include Flaghouse, Insight Grants LLC and Penn State Hershey Center for Activity and Nutrition.

Friday we have two focused on Adventure Innovations - Games for Community Building and the second - Achieving Fitness.

Lot's of fun with our good friends and long-term fans and our newer friends who are just getting turned on to Project Adventure!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Charter School Opening Using Project Adventure's Methodolgy

Project Adventure has received a Department of Labor federal grant for PA school programs in Georgia. The school program will be part of the continuum of services run by Project Adventure Kids . The funding is for a total amount of 1Million dollars. PA received one of only six grants awarded.

This money will be used for program planning, adventure curricula development and writing, training of staff, equipment, evaluation, administrative costs, and salaries for strengthening the family counseling and outreach component to our participants and potential participants in our school programs in Georgia.

Also, Project Adventure Kids has been awarded a charter school petition for Challenge Charter Academy scheduled to open in September 2008. A core team of experts in curriculum and adventure teaching and learning are in the process of creating a full project-based academic experience aligned with state standards.

Project Adventure is excited by this opportunity to expand the success of our Georgia direct service educational and counseling services which have been developed predominantly by Cindy Simpson (Ed.S.). Simpson has directed PA’s Georgia office since its establishment in 1982 and is responsible for creating all of the direct service programs operated in Georgia. She was instrumental in developing and adapting PA’s core concepts into the behavior management method that is being adopted by alternative schools, court schools and residential treatment agencies nationally.