
Monday, May 19, 2008

Carol White PEP Grant Update

Our good friend, Rosalie Mangino-Crandall ( of Insight Grants, LLC, has just informed us that the US Education Department has just begun sending our "requests for more info" to the PEP grant applications that are being considered for funding.

If you submitted a 2008 Carol White PEP Grant application, be on the lookout for an email.
This means that you should be VIGILANTLY watching your email from now until you receive notification that the grant award list has come out.

If you are not certain who was listed as the program contact on the cover page of your application, check a copy of your submission and notify that person. If ED contacts you, it will almost certainly be by email and you will have a very short amount of time to respond with answers to their questions—this could be as little as two business days. Hence, it is critical you check your email frequently.

If you receive an email from ED, this does not guarantee you will win an award, but it does mean your application has scored well and you MAY be considered for an award. If you do not receive an email from ED, that does not necessarily mean you won’t win—they will only contact you if they have questions.

Your responses should be sent to ED in a single email (possibly supplemented by fax if you are asked to fax items). Do not send separate emails for each question! Provide as much detail in your responses as possible—too much information is better than too little. Request confirmation that your email was received.

This is an exciting time. Good luck.

If you did not submit a Carol White PEP Grant for 2008, but are considering one for 2009, be sure Project Adventure has your contact info so we can keep you posted of timelines and grant writing support. (email with the subject line - add to PEP grant mail list and include your name, school, title, mailing address, phone number and email address in body.)

Historically, the RFP is posted in Jan/Feb with a March/April deadline.


Pinky Lee said...

Do you know if the Carol White PEP grant will be funded in 2009? Should we start getting ready now?

Beth said...

We have every reason to believe it will. There has only been one time when they did not request new grants...and that year they funded another round of awards out of the same batch.

The best way to prepare is to think about what the gaps are in your program. The two main purposes of PEP grant funding are (1) to help PE programs align with state standards and (2) to address fitness and obesity. You need to strongly identify these areas as gaps or needs in your program. Begin looking at things like areas where your curriculum doesn't align and BMI and fitness statics for your school and community.

In other words start finding evidence for your statement of need.

By looking at last years application you can begin to work on your narrative.