Ms Bowman of Prospect Hill Academy writes:
"Well - it was a good time at Project Adventure on Wednesday. We played and laughed a lot, talked a lot about what’s going to make us a good traveling team, and got to try some new things we had never tried before. I’d say climbing a giant rope ladder thirty feet in the air was new for all. To watch the teamwork was amazing. It was also cool to see how much better the groups got at the climbing challenge as we went along because they were all learning so much from watching the other groups. In the end when Marc and Eddie and Jessica stood at the very top - the only group to make it all the way up all together - it felt like an accomplishment for all of us, not just for those three.
A great start to this adventure …"
- Ms B
When I asked Ms B if I could use her quote she said, "We really had a great time with a group of HS kids about to go on a three week trip to Guatemala. It was just what they needed a month before their departure. "
thanks Ms. B!