Silver Bullets: A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games & Trust Activities by Karl Rohnke & Project Adventure, Inc. has been a classic in the adventure field for more than 25 years. The 25th Anniversary, 2nd Edition with new activities and revised classics has just been released.
For a limited time, PA is offering an author-autographed copy of the original Silver Bullets containing over 160 timeless adaptable activities, along with a copy of the new 25th Anniversary, 2nd Edition.
The 2nd Edition of Silver Bullets brings time-tested wisdom to the problems, games and initiatives along with the inclusion of new activities that speak directly to contemporary adventurers. The activities have been implemented and proven to improve self-concept, enhance the ability of members to take risks, and strengthen the willingness of group members to cooperate and work well together.
A variety of audiences from teachers, counselors, therapists, camp directors and church leaders, to name a few, have effectively used the activities to bring people together, to build trust and enhance communication. From whatever age, these “Silver Bullets” can make a difference in your program and the people with whom you work.
To order, contact Project Adventure, Inc.
Phone: 800-468-8898, Ext #4556
Mail: 701 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915
Fax: 1-978-524-4600, Attn: Catalog Dept.
Email: catalog@pa.org
Online: www.pa.org