Project Adventure specialists are traveling across the country and to Canada to attend several upcoming conferences and events.
Do you have questions you want to ask about your program?
Are you interested in learning how to get a challenge course installed?
Call - 1-978-524-4554 or email and schedule a time to meet with the specialist on site at any of these events!
Or make an advance appointment with a PA specialist at any of these upcoming conferences:
Southwestern District Ahperd/Az Ahperd, Pheonix, Jan. 21-24
Alternatives to Expulsion, Suspension and Dropping Out of School, San Antonio, Jan. 28-31
Toronto Camps Conference, Ontario Canada, Jan. 28 – 30 Angel Krimm will be in the Flaghouse Booth demonstrating our new props and activity guide - Creating Respectful Camp Communities!
19th Annual Association for Challenge Course Technology Conference, Jan. 29 – Feb. 1, Houston
Eastern District Ahperd Conference, Lancaster, PA Feb. 4 –7
American Camping Association Conference, Orlando, Feb. 17-20 Angel Krimm will be in the Flaghouse Booth premiering our newest pack bag and activity guide - Creating Respectful Camp Communities.
New Jersey Ahperd Conference, Longbranch, Feb. 22-24 Jane Panicucci, Keynote Speaker!
DuPage County PE, Health Institute, Naperville IL, Feb. 27
Research and Evaluation for Adventure Programs, Atlanta, March 13-20
American Camping Association Tri-State Conference, Atlantic City, March 17-20
California Ahperd, Santa Clara, March 19-22, Meet Dr. John Ratey, author of SPARK - The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain - in the Project Adventure booth
National AHPERD Conference, Tampa, March 31-April 4,