"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
John Quincy Adams
In an ongoing commitment to practice the very philosophy we teach at Project Adventure, the office and support staff has decided to get moving! For 15 minutes each day, staff are invited to engage in activities that increase heart rates and jump start minds. The activities happen in the afternoon, when we see ourselves "dragging" and in need of a pick-me-up.
How it works:
- At a designated time in the afternoon, anyone who can leave their desk are invited to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
- A variety of activities are encouraged so everyone can join in, whether it be a brisk walk or a group Adventure Activity.
- 15 minutes is all it takes! Everyone is on their honor and tracks their own time.
We continue to be inspired by Dr. John Ratey's book, Spark, which has made a definitive case for the relationship between exercise and increased brain activity. In the short time we have implemented this company-wide policy, the evidence is clear:
"After just a few minutes of activity, I get back to my desk and am buzzing with energy. I dive back in to emails and projects that, previously, I couldn't focus on. Who knew jumping around and laughing with my co-workers could help me get more work done!""What I've noticed, after just a week, is a heightened sense of clarity, an ability to prioritize and concentrate. No more black coffee!"
We all know what it's like to be buried in piles of work; some know it all too well. It is encouraging to know that taking a little time out for physical activity can actually help get through those piles of work!