Millions for dollars are available for Physical Education. Since 2006, applications including Project Adventure have made a compelling case for successful funding.
On Thursday, 1/22/09, PA will post a comprehensive PEP Grant writing packet at as well as host three PEP grant writing teleconferences - free of charge. Featured on the teleconference will be Rosalie Mangino Crandall of Insight Grants, LLC and Bill Bates, of Project Adventure. Both experts in writing, receiving and implementing PEP Grants.
To register for the teleconferences or receive more info on PEP, contact us at or call 978-524-4554.
Teleconference schedule:
PEP Teleconference 1 1/27/09 2:30 - 3:15 Eastern Time Overview of the RFP, highlights, mandatories and making your case!
PEP Teleconference 2 2/3/09 4:00 - 4:45 Eastern Time Questions so far, budgeting overview.
PEP Teleconference 3 2/12/09 1:00 - 1:45 Eastern Time Check in, where are you now, additional info.
Carol M. White Physical Education for Progress (PEP)
is offered by the US Department of Education (ED)—Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS).