Project Adventure takes part in a variety of conferences throughout the nation, like the state and national AHPERD (Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance) events. We participate in as many ways as we can, from sponsor, presenter, to exhibitor. Our goal: to offer support to professionals and students who use Adventure concepts and to get the word out to people new to the Adventure scene. So, if you are headed to a conference and think we should be there, tell us! We always love to hear from you. Don't forget to stop by and say hi!
Ryan and Bill practicing "
Popper Tag" at the booth, MAHPERD 2010
Bill and Ryan at MAHPERD, 2010
(Do you know
Bill Bates? Well you should! He is our leading consultant for PEP grant applicants and winners. Plus, he's just a swell guy.)
Renee Cavaluzzi, trainer extraordinaire, teaching a fitness workshop at a conference.
Have you taken a workshop from Renee? Leave a comment and let us know how it was!