
Thursday, May 29, 2008

CA freshmen must now pass 5 out of 6 fitness tests

California public school students, like many across the country, have always been tested for fitness. However, starting this spring, California freshman must pass five out of six fitness tests or continue taking Physical Education classes until they do.

For the tests, in the areas of aerobic capacity, body fat measurements, abdominal strength and endurance, trunk strength and flexibility, upper body strength and endurance, and overall flexibility, students can select from a range of options.

If they fail the tests, students must take sophmore physical education and then re-test. Continued failure means continued physical ed classes and continued testing. The results do not impact their ability to graduate.

Under California Education Code, students are required to be enrolled in 4 years of physical education, but are only required to pass 2 years of physical education to graduate.

Of course, many students, who enjoy fitness will easily be successful in this testing. And some students will work really hard to pass and avoid additional years of physical ed. And then some students will struggle, fail, struggle, fail and continue the cycle that has gotten them to their unfit levels.

Under Keith Johannes, former President of California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, a committee is exploring including social and emotional learning components into the fitness testing prep classes. This will impact students' decisions and commitment to being successful and to select and enjoy life-long health-related fitness...instead of being focused on avoiding additional years of physical education.

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