Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Dana Brooks, President-Elect of AAHPERD. Dr. Brooks gave an address to the state and district AAHPERD Executive Directors and President Elects in Washington DC recently.
In addition to his vision for the future, his understanding of the collaboration and partnership as significant tools to achieve his vision, Dr. Brooks presented the attendees with his:
Ten "Commandments" for Living With People - as developed by his own long time mentor, Joe Gluck.
1. Speak to people: Nothing is as nice as a cheerful greeting.
2. Smile at people: It takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile.
3. Call people by name: The sweetest sound is one's own name.
4. Be friendly and helpful: If you want friends, be a friend.
5. Be cordial: Speak and act to prove everything you do is genuine pleasure.
6. Be geuinely interested in people: Just try and you can like almost everyone.
7. Be generous with praise: Be courteous with criticism.
8. Be considerate with others. There are often three sides to a controversy: yours, theirs and
the right side.
9. Be alert to give help: What we do for others lives and is immortal.
10.Add to all this good sense of humor, loads of patience and a dash of humility and you will be rewarded manifold.
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