
Monday, March 24, 2008

Project Adventure and Association for Experiential Education come together for evidence based research!

PA, AEE and 70 people from across the world came together last week in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the 4th Annual Research of Adventure Programs Symposium.

Dick Prouty, Executive Director of PA and Pat Hammond, Executive Director of AEE greeted participants from across the US, Mexico, Japan and Canada - each one seeking information and feedback on evidence based research.

Aleta Meyer, Program Officer at NIDA cheered the group on indicating that experiential and adventure methods do have significant value and place in the NIDA agenda. Aleta was present through out the entire symposium attending sessions and providing guidance and advice to anyone who approached her.

In two days, the group heard and participated in over a dozen presentations on research from national experts and practitioners including Karla Henderson, Mike Gass, Lee Gillis, Susan Carter, Suzanna Sharkey, Mark Clayburg and Scot Hartl.

Sky Gray, Executive Director of Santa Fe Mountain Center and her team did an amazing job of selecting the site and hosting us in her city. The group took a field trip to SFMC.

Alison Rheingold, doctoral student at UNH and PA Senior Consultant not only did an amazing job coordinating the symposium, but also lead participants through an adventure activity that taught about fidelity in research.

Bobbi Beale, Chair of AEE's Council on Research and Evaluation (CORE) presented the work and agenda of CORE to the larger group.

Also attending was Sylvia Dresser, Executive Director of the Association for Challenge Course Technology.

Dick Prouty, Executive Director of PA, called the 2.5 day symposium a huge success and evidence of the impact of PA and AEE as collaborators and leaders in the field!

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