
Sunday, March 23, 2008

What do Project Adventure and tissues have in common?

As Director of Business Development for Project Adventure, Inc., I can't tell you how many times people tell me, "I do Project Adventure". "We have Project Adventure at my school". I'm excited to hear most cases. However, in some cases what they mean to say is, "I do adventure activities". "We have an experiential education program".

Why is there a difference? Project Adventure, Inc. is an organization. An organization that provides training, uses specific curricula and core concepts developed, piloted, evaluated and enhanced since 1971. Project Adventure, Inc. is a non-profit organization. What these well intentioned folks are doing is using the name of an organization to explain a teaching style or counseling method that they incorporate into their work.

If this same person were to say to me, "I use Achieving Fitness at my school", I would know that they are using a Project Adventure model in their work! Yipeeee. If they said, "I get great results with Behavior Management through Adventure", I'd know they work at a treatment agency, alternative school or juvenile justice program that is licensed to use Project Adventure's program.

Why do so many people attempt to use Project Adventure (PA) the proper noun as "project adventure" the noun? The same way as Kleenex has become an acceptable word for all tissue? Partly (and maybe mostly) it is PA's own fault. As we disseminated the concepts, theories and discoveries of PA as they were happening, many people joined in the excitement. And facility-based, adventure and experiential education became identified as Project Adventure.

I am hopeful this blog becomes a place where we (PA) can introduce you to the models and programs under the Project Adventure, Inc. umbrella, share ideas, thoughts and "bring the adventure home" together.

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